From the sailing standpoint, we sailed to the BVI again this year. It was a great adventure.
Suz and I sailed with our friends Lois and Dennis as we did in 2009. Much of this story was adapted from Lois's story for the Mark Twain Lake Sail Association "Scuttlebutt" newsletter
We flew into Tortola and caught the ferry to Virgin Gorda to stay two days at beautiful Guavaberry Spring Bay. Suz and I explored new dive sites off of Ginger Island and the Dogs with Dive BVI. Dennis and Lois hung out and snorkeled at the Baths, Spring Bay and Savannah Bay.
Suz diving BVI 2011 |
Mocko Jumbies Sky Dancers BVI 2011... |
Suz and Lois had outlined the nearly perfect sail plan, so each day we went with the winds and just “sailed the sails”. We started out at Norman Island (Willie T’s of course). We had visited Willie T's before, but not on a full moon Saturday night! The ship was rockin' and lived up (or down) to its reputation! Suz was lucky to escape with her reputation and cloths intact!
We got up early the next morning and motored out to catch one of the few mooring balls at The Indians for some of the best snorkeling in the BVI. We enjoyed more snorkeling at the Caves on Norman Island before heading for anchorage and dinner at the Cooper Island Beach Club.
We decided Saba Rock was calling so headed there for a fun two days. Again thanks to Mark and Suz’s planning there was “music” on the beach BUT all was not just fun and games. We went to CLASSES. Yes, one night we went to Vodka 101 (free drinks sponsored by Finlandia Vodka) and being good students the second night, we went to Tequila 101 (sampled some of the finest Herradura tequilas).
Our stay in North Sound included a dingy ride around Saba Rock to a quaint little beach complete with hammocks, beach huts for shade, shower, bar, and chess. We played two games of chess on the beach. Suz and I let the guys win both times! We couldn’t snorkel here because the bay was filled with jelly fish. So beautiful in the water but there were so many that we thought it wise to stay out of the water. Also saw a sting ray here, too.
Lois at the helm in great winds BVI 2011.... |
We sailed back to Trellis Bay to swap out the blown out head sail and visit the Loose Mongoose. While getting ready for dinner we heard the scrunch and saw the agony of a large catamaran running aground on the reef surrounding The Last Resort. Glad we don’t own that cat as watching them get it off wasn’t pretty.
Leaving early the next day we crossed between the Camanoes to snorkel at Monkey Point. Suz spotted an octopus which was the big find for the day. From there we kept a “weather eye on the horizon” and ran into showers and strong winds before seeking refuge in Cane Garden Bay.
Sandy Cay was known for good snorkeling so we planned to stop by before crossing to Foxy’s Taboo. However, the unsettled weather, and strong winds limited snorkeling opportunities.Lois and Dennis hiked the little island of Sandy Cay to see the foliage and little critters (lizards and snails). It was fun to see these little guys running around with a shell on their backs.
The afternoon was spent in Diamond Cay for several “Wreck on the Rocks” rum drink and the trek to the Bubbly Pool.
Our time was winding down but not us.
Mark and Suz headed to Foxy's BVI 2011.... |
We had great fun and adventured to places on the islands none of us had been before. Great friends, food, fun, and sailing made the trip a special one. Sailing the BVI is an adventure every sailor would enjoy!
Lois and Dennis enjoying BVI 2011.... |